Sharing vs. Selling

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"But, I'm not a salesperson."  

"I'm just no good at selling!"

We hear this all the time as an excuse/block to the abundance side of Young Living. Our response, you guessed it, "HALLELUJAH!" We don't want you to sell and neither do your family or friends. Are you selling your favorite restaurant to your family and friends? What about your favorite movie, book, or song? Are you selling those? Or that rocking outfit you found at the mall? Did you sell that one to your friends? Nope! We didn't think so. You SHARED these things with your family and friends because you see value in them and want them to experience the same excitement and pleasure you did. We want you to SHARE your experiences and love of our essential oils and products with your family and friends for the same reason... so others can experience the value, excitement, and pleasure of Young Living.

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We want you to think back to when you jumped in to become a member.  Were you "sold" a kit by your enroller? Did this person call you up or call you out of nowhere and say, "Hey, buy this!"  

We're betting on "NO."  We'd gather that you followed your enroller for a little bit, observed their enthusiasm, listened/read about their experience with the oils, and felt their passion.  After all of this, you CHOSE to give the oils a shot. Are we close? Nobody "SOLD" you... they "INTRODUCED" you to these bottles of amazingness. So please, please don't sell people on essential oils.  Share them! Introduce others to them through your experience. Allow your excitement and passion to shine through. Talk about WHAT the oils are doing for you and your family (SHARING) rather than simply HOW they can be purchased (SELLING).  Now, this doesn't mean that you can't ever tell them that they can get started through you. Just be authentic when you do, the same way you'd tell them in a conversation. "I’d be honored to help you get started..." versus "Here's my link so you can buy a kit!"

People look to see how the oils are working for you; they need to see that you are really using them and that they are (or are becoming) a lifestyle for you.  This is authentic and builds trust. Trust is an essential piece of the puzzle. Posting sales graphics all over your personal Facebook profile (SELLING) doesn't BUILD trust, it BREAKS it.  We have learned this the hard way. This is a relationship business, and people need to know you care about them first and foremost. Then they will be open to starting their oil journey with YOU.  

A good reminder is to think of those times when your doorbell rings and you open the door to find someone standing there with a clipboard and a sales pitch all ready to go.  How do you feel? We're guessing that you're pretty irritated.

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Now, imagine you're sitting next to someone on a plane and they begin a conversation with you.  You spend an hour chatting and discover all kinds of interesting things about them. They tell you about this amazing new product they've been trying out.  You get excited and want to know where you can get it. They give you their information and tell you they'll help you set it all up. How do you feel now? We're betting you're much more open to trying it out.

This simple, small shift in thinking will help you to break down the barriers you have built in your mind, build trust, and change the lives of so many people.