

strategic moves to maximize your earnings

Restructuring is a strategic move that allows you to maximize Young Living's compensation plan.  You may also hear restructuring referred to as "stacking," but this is not the correct term. Restructuring is when you change the sponsor of your new enrollment.  You remain the enroller, but you move the person under a new sponsor to create legs. In the YL compensation plan, you only need six, yes 6, legs to reach the top of the compensation plan!  This means you only need 6 people to say yes to the business. It builds when those six builders find six people to say yes, and so on and so on.  

So, why would you want more than six? don't. This wonderful ability to restructure your downline gives you the opportunity to strategically place your new members within your downline where they will help you to achieve higher ranks more quickly, thus accelerating the increase in your monthly paycheck.  We will cover this in depth in future posts, but for now... here are some basics.

  • When you change the sponsor, you are simply changing their placement within your downline.  You remain the enroller and retain any bonuses associated with enrolling this person.  

  • When you are looking to move a member, only place them under other members who are enrolled in Loyalty Rewards (with their PV Assist set up) and are consistently ordering 100PV per month. These people are showing you they are committed.

  • Movement must happen within 30 calendar days of the new member's enrollment date.  If the move is within 5 days, you can simply call customer service at (800) 371-3515, or contact them via Live Chat.  If it has been 6-30 calendar days, you will need to email (from the email you have on file with YL):

When you contact Young Living, you will say (or type):

Hello, this is “Your Name”, Member #___________, PIN #____.

I would like to move my new member please.  I will remain the enroller and would like to change the sponsor only.

Please move “Member’s Name”, Member #_________.  The new sponsor will be “New Sponsor’s Name”,Member #_______.

Thank you.

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So, we hear you shouting at your computer screen... "BUT, what if I don't have any brand partners yet?!"  It's okay!! Quiet down, breathe, and reapply that Stress Away, LOL. It's Okay!! You will begin to enroll people who want to begin sharing and you will find that once people start using their oils, they will want to share.  This is one of the reasons it's imperative to support your personally enrolled and get them using their oils, replacing toxic products with Young Living products, and living a more natural lifestyle. Many of us begin with close family members or friends enrolling and becoming legs for us.  This helps in getting your legs started while you are discovering additional brand partners.

For in-depth information on Restructuring, check out this post.