Pets & Essential Oils


With growing awareness about and popularity of Essential Oils, there has been concern about how or even whether to use them with our beloved pets. This class should put you at ease.

Let’s get started right away with some history! 

Certain texts dating back hundreds of years reference using plant extracts on animals. Dr. Louis Sevelinge generally gets credited with developing veterinarian aromatherapy in the 1940s. In 1993, the French veterinarian Nelly Grosjean wrote the first book dedicated to the use of essential oils with animals.

While Dr. Louis Sevelinge and Nelly Grosjean get a lot of recognition in the “oils and animals" area, Caroline Ingraham began extensively studying the use of essential oils alongside veterinarians and developed the incredibly safe and effective method known nowadays as Applied Zoopharmacognosy . 

(Translation from Greek roots: animal-medicine-knowledge)

This method states that animals have an innate ability to know what they need for health.

Quality Matters

Seed to Seal

Not all essential oils are created equally. When you shop with Young Living you are getting quality products backed by a ‘Seed to Seal’ guarantee that you won’t find anywhere else. You can expect that Young Living will provide you with only the BEST!

  • Plant material that is grown on corporately-owned farms or carefully vetted partner farms (that you CAN visit!)

  • Sustainable farming and sourcing practices, providing the purest oil

  • Great care is taken to preserve and protect natural resources

  • Hand-weeded fields and ZERO use of pesticides

  • Oils that retain all their natural constituents and therapeutic properties

  • Use of food-grade distillers with state-of-the-art design and distillation methods

  • Low pressure and low-temperature distillation, without the use of solvents or synthetic chemicals

  • Rigorous testing on each batch by internal labs and third-party facilities

  • Oils that are carefully reviewed through every step of production in order to meet or exceed industry safety and purity standards (beyond organic!)

And the best part…if the oils do not meet these high standards they are rejected and will not be bottled as a Young Living product. YL would rather have something go out of stock than let an inferior product slip through to us.  It's rare to find a company with such high standards.  Now that’s amazing!! 

Check out the Seed to Seal process HERE!

What Are Essential Oils?


Essential oils are secondary metabolites produced by plants as part of their health and defense systems.

When we inhale, we absorb these essential oils and their evaporating constituents into the brain.

The sense of smell is connected to the limbic system of the brain. This is where emotions, memory, and certain regulatory functions of the body are found.

Thus, essential oils simultaneously work on the physical level AND the emotional level.

How Does Applied Zoopharmacognosy Work?


This method states that animals have an innate ability to know what they need for health.

When working with essential oils, we use this natural instinct and allow the animal to choose what products they prefer. This method is safe, effective, and simple, and it strengthens the bond between you and your animal.

But HOW does the choosing work?

Keep the lid on the essential oil and let them smell it. A positive choice will look like prolonged sniffing, interest, or even licking. A negative choice will be the animal completely ignoring it, barely giving it a sniff, or avoiding the product entirely.

Do NOT force a product on an animal as it can cause stress and adverse effects. Check out this video for more info!

Horses, Dogs, & Cats


Horses tend to respond very well to essential oils since they are herbivores and have metabolic pathways to break down most oils. They also tend to prefer the inhalation and licking methods used with oils.

Dogs also tend to prefer inhalation and licking methods.

Cats do not have metabolic pathways to break down most essential oils. Essential oils can still be safe to use. Be sure to let them choose their own oils. Cats are even more discerning than dogs. This means your cat will probably tell you exactly what he/she wants. If you have any concerns you can consult your veterinarian.

General Rules of Thumb


Due to the high amount of hair follicles, animals’ skins have an increased absorption rate. Therefore, use plenty of carrier oil when applying an oil to an animal.

Always err on the side of caution. Cats should have a carrier oil dilution of around 8 drops of carrier oil to 1 drop of EO. Dogs under 25 pounds should have 5 drops of carrier oil to 1 drop of EO. You can always dilute more when you first start out.

If you are diffusing or using oils for yourself while your pets are around, make sure there is an open door or window nearby. This allows the pet to leave if they want.

Three things to remember:

  1. Quality Matters - not all oils are created equally. Young Living is the ONLY company with a Seed to Seal guarantee for quality.

  2. Applied Zoopharmacognosy - let your pet choose which oils to use on/ around them.

  3. Provide an out! Always make sure the animal can leave or walk away from an oil they do not like.



Lavender is frequently referred to as "the Swiss army knife of Oils.” It can be very calming to people AND animals.

It is also great for soothing skin and applying topically before going outdoors.

Skin-Soothing Essential Gel Recipe

  • approximately 2 oz. of water-based gel (aloe vera)

  • 5-20 drops of essential oils (max of 5 different oils)

Whisk together and apply to underbelly or any sensitive skin areas as needed.

Cedarwood, Frankincense, & Geranium


Cedarwood can be calming and grounding.

Frankincense is incredibly grounding, calming, and soothing to the skin.

Geranium supports healthy skin. It can also be balancing and grounding. Combine Geranium with Lavender and Cedarwood for a quick outdoor spray.

DIY Collar for Dogs

  • 1 cup of water

  • 5 drops Lavender

  • 2 drops Citronella

  • 1 drop Cedarwood

  • 2 drops Geranium

Mix ingredients in a bowl. Add your pet's collar and soak for 5 minutes. Remove from liquid and let dry before using. Remember to allow your pet to “choose” the oils first!

Citrus Fresh


Citrus Fresh is relaxing, calming, and smells wonderful! Think citrus with a hint of mint.

Diffuse this blend around the house or wherever that smelly litter box is located! You can also create a spray and use it on your furniture. If you notice your pet is avoiding the Citrus Fresh spray, you can either use that to your advantage (to keep them off the couch) or switch to a different oil like Lavender or Purification to freshen the air.

To create your room freshening spray, add 20 drops of Citrus Fresh or your oil of choice to a 4-oz. spray bottle then fill with distilled water. Adding a dash of salt or witch hazel will help the EOs and water mix.

Citrus Fresh contains orange, tangerine, mandarin, grapefruit, lemon, and spearmint. Orange brings peace and happiness to the mind and body. Tangerine is calming to the nervous system. Mandarin promotes happiness. It is also refreshing, uplifting, and revitalizing. Grapefruit is balancing and uplifting to the mind. Lemon promotes health and physical energy. Spearmint is uplifting to one’s spirit.

Animal Scents Line

Animal Scents

Young Living has its own line of products designed specifically for animals... oils, shampoo, cat treats, dog chews, and more.

Check out the whole line right here!!

  • InfectAway - use to clean wounds & soothe irritations. You can use this for animals that tend to bite and chew on their skin out of habit or boredom.

  • MendWell - supports healthy skin. It may also help animals stay grounded and stay present. It opens the heart so animals don't want to run away and avoid.

  • ParaGize - use topically on the abdomen. ParaGize essential oil helps animals process emotionally and mentally which helps the physical aspects of the body. Horses and dogs in particular seem to have such sensitive digestive systems and the surrounding environment including the people, animals, trainers, etc that have such an affect on them. They are definitely affected by the surrounding energies. ParaGize will also help to dispel negative energies and odors at the barn, kennel, or clinic. It will bring in a positive and warm energy that is soothing and comforting when diffused.

  • PuriClean - cleanses and refreshes. Use for dog’s flaky and itchy skin. Helps animals stay alert and focused during their work and training. It will help them to clean up irritation and distraction. Especially with horses if they use that as an excuse to not move forward and concentrate on the work at hand. It’s a great one to diffuse around your home or barn to dispel negative energies.

  • RepelAroma - supports animals to enjoy the day without outdoor annoyances. Use it to freshen and cleanse skin and discourage irritation and annoyances outdoors. It may help animals release irritation and annoyances that create pissyness and ornery behavior by opening the mind and connection to a higher vibration rather than connecting with lower level energies that can bring our attitude down to a lower vibration. It is good to diffuse when using for this purpose.

  • T-Away - this is Trauma Life for your pets (many use this during thunderstorms and fireworks). It supports mental and emotional wellbeing and releases negative memories and blocks. T-Away helps animals release negative memories, attitudes, and emotions that hold them back from being in their heart and forgiving those who have wronged them. It is ideal in situations involving abandonment and exceptionally good for those animals that have gone through negative experiences or neglectful situations. It also supports animals that are in transition with new homes or situations.


A portion of all proceeds from Animal Scents products goes to support Vital Ground, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the habitat of grizzly bears and other wide-roaming wildlife.



Although these supplements are not specifically labeled for pets, many members use them with great success! Please use your own judgement when deciding to use these for your pet.

NingXia Red is 25% NingXia Wolfberry puree, which is a wellness-supporting superfruit with an incredibly high antioxidant rating. Antioxidants make for an unfriendly environment for free radicals. If you don't know the effects free radicals have on your body, you should google it.

This dietary supplement helps support normal blood sugar levels, provides support for normal eye health, cellular function, and energy levels. It’s a supplement that can provide overall support to your animal!

Sulfurzyme capsules help maintain the structure of proteins, protect cells and cell membranes, replenish the connections between cells, and preserve the molecular framework of connective tissue. *Be sure to purchase the capsules to avoid added sweeteners.

OmegaGize³™ combines the power of three core daily supplements-omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D-3, and CoQ10 (ubiquinone). These supplements combine with our proprietary enhancement essential oil blend to create an omega-3, DHA- rich fish oil supplement that may support general wellness. Used daily, these ingredients work synergistically to support normal brain, heart, eye, and joint health.

Agilease is good for pets that may experience a natural, acute inflammation response in their joints after exercise. AgilEase™ is a joint health supplement that’s perfect for healthy individuals (and pets) who are looking to gain greater mobility and flexibility through the reduction of inflammation.

Oral Care


You need to clean your pearly whites, and so do your pets! Dentarome Plus toothpaste is safe to use with dogs

****IMPORTANT**** Thieves Dentarome Ultra and Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste contain xylitol which is TOXIC to dogs. Do NOT use these products, or any other supplement or product that contains xylitol for dogs.

Effective brushing unbinds bacteria-laden plaque from the surface of teeth. Rinsing afterward is a key step to make sure that bacteria leave your mouth for good. Since you can't make your doggy swish and spit, lead your pet to water for a drink after brushing.

DIY - Pet Oral Care Spritzer

  • Add one capful of Thieves Mouthwash to a 4 oz bottle and fill with water.

For fresh breath, spray in your pet's mouth once a day.

*While these products are not labeled for animal use, many members have used these with their animals for oral care.

Subscribe to Save & Loyalty Rewards


Ordering on the Subscribe to Save program will help you SAVE money, get free products, and qualifies you to participate in the Loyalty Rewards Program at the same time. #WinWin


Subscribe to Save (S2S) is a subscription program with LOTS of perks. You get to choose what comes inside your box AND how often it processes! Leave it as is or change it to get something new every order... up to you!

  • If you have at least one item on subscription, you will receive our 24% wholesale discount on all orders (subscription and shop)

  • Limited to ONE Subscribe to Save order per month

  • You can change the items you receive in your order each month.

  • To participate, you must have one item on S2S that processes at least once every three months (you may choose intervals of 1, 2, or 3 months)

  • No monthly PV requirement. If your month’s S2S order is 50+PV, you will earn 10% back in points that you can redeem for free oils & products.

  • You can still order additional items through a Shop order if needed.

  • Free shipping starting at 100pv order totals and exclusive free gifts beginning at 190pv (new gifts announced monthly)

  • Access to exclusive discounted subscription bundles like the NingXia Red & the Thieves bundles


  • Loyalty Rewards and gifts are available for consistent, consecutive monthly S2S orders of 50+PV

  • Earn Loyalty Rewards points on S2S orders of 50+PV towards future orders - the % back increases with time!

    • Months 1-3 ~ you earn 10% back in spendable points.

    • Months 4-24 ~ you earn 20% back in spendable points.

    • Months 25+ ~ you earn 25%. back in spendable points.

  • Earn Loyalty gifts at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months for the first year then once a year thereafter

Learn more about Subscribe to Save and Loyalty Rewards here.

Additional Notes

  • Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

  • The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • Graphics and some of the content for this class are copyrighted and were purchased. If you wish to teach this class and use these specific graphics, you must also purchase them.