Oils for Special Needs


If you are a parent of a child with special needs, you are not alone. I know it can feel like that at times. Not only are you facing the normal stressors of everyday life, you are also dealing with the challenges and struggles your child is facing. But we are here to come alongside you on this journey.

Children with special needs tend to find themselves having trouble focusing, processing their feelings, transitioning in different environments, sleeping, and more. As a parent, if you are being totally honest, you may find yourself facing feelings of frustration, uncertainty, sadness, resentment, or guilt.

Let’s explore how essential oils can support both you and your child, as you walk this challenging, yet rewarding, road.

Safety & Usage


Let's start off by looking at the ways you can use the oils and supplements in this class.

  1. AROMATICALLY: Put 6-8 drops of an essential oil or a combo in your diffuser. The diffuser will send the oil into the air and fill the room with the scent and beneficial properties of the oils.

  2. TOPICALLY: Apply essential oils to your skin. Dilute your oils with a carrier oil if using topically, especially if you’ve never used them before. It is recommended that you use one drop of essential oil with 10-15 drops of coconut, olive, or almond oil and then apply it to your skin. Citrus oils like Lemon are photosensitive. Please avoid sun exposure for 12 hours after application to areas where you have applied citrus oils topically. Avoid putting essentials oils in the eyes or ears directly.

  3. INTERNALLY: Young Living oils are pure and are labeled as Generally Regarded as Safe by the Food and Drug Administration. Because of their purity, some people like to ingest their oils to avoid "smelling" like an oil, or to support their body from the inside out. Oils that are safe for ingestion carry our Vitality Oil label.

  4. SUPPLEMENTS: Follow the directions on each individual supplement package for proper safety and usage.   

Purity is EXTREMELY important when it comes to wellness products. When you use products that are pure, you will have more effective results. Products that are formulated with synthetic ingredients may not provide any results and can potentially cause damage to your body. Young Living goes above and beyond organic standards to provide natural products that work. YL farms on land without the use of pesticides, hand weeds their fields, and tests their essential oils multiple times in million-dollar labs to provide products with the purest and highest quality chemical constituents. If a batch doesn't meet these HIGH standards, YL will not bottle it up and send it to you.

Check out the Seed to Seal process HERE!

Get Creative


You may have to get creative with how you will get the oils into your child’s system, especially if they are sensitive to smells, but it can be done!

  • Infuse sensory materials with essential oils, i.e. rice, DIY play dough, bubbles.

  • Add ‘diffusers’ to the room where your child is working or playing - use cotton balls, corks, felt pads, anything that absorbs oil and place around the room.

  • Diffuse while your child is NOT in the room, the effects will still linger but the scent won’t be as strong when they enter.

  • Spray your child’s sheets with a calming blend about an hour BEFORE they go to bed.

  • Add oils to everyday-use products like shampoos and lotions.

  • Add Vitality oils to your child’s smoothies, drinks, or food. Be sure to avoid plastic containers when adding oils to food and drinks.

As you begin to use essential oils on and around your child, it is best to start with just one oil at a time so you can appropriately determine the effects. Then build from there.

Commonly Used oils


Though this is not an all-inclusive list, these are some of the most commonly-used essential oils for children with special needs and the benefits they provide.

  • Vetiver - promotes calm and relaxation; can help with sensory-processing issues

  • Lavender* - can help calm, relax, and balance emotions rooted in anger & frustration

  • Cedarwood - can help promote peaceful and restorative sleep

  • Frankincense* - can help with focus and can reduce negative emotions or reactions

  • Peppermint* - soothing and can calm restlessness

  • Bergamot - increases feelings of wellbeing, relaxing for the mind and body

  • Rosemary - can help to improve cognition and concentration

  • Valor* - promotes courage and self-esteem

  • Peace & Calming* - can help to calm nervous tension and promote relaxation

*Included in the Premium Starter Kit

Skin Health


Skin sensitivities are fairly common among children. However, these sensitivities may be magnified for those with special needs. Young Living has many gentle oils and products that are safe for even the most sensitive of skin types. If at any time an oil is too “hot” or “cool”, just apply more carrier or discontinue use all-together. The feet are a good place to test out new oils. If your child does not react well to that specific oil, choose another and come back to that one at a later date.

When choosing a carrier oil, consider any food sensitivities or allergies your child may have. Many carrier oils are fruit or nut-based, which could cause a reaction if your child has a sensitivity to that specific food group. Many people often mistakenly assume the adverse reactions are from the essential oils themselves and completely overlook the carrier. If you are unsure, apply the carrier oil separately to test for any reaction.

Try these essential oils - they are great for supporting healthy- looking skin!

  • Lavender - great for all skin types and the perfect addition to lotions and creams.

  • Gentle Baby - helps to rejuvenate the skin; great for soothing and calming.

  • Tea Tree - a very gentle oil that supports your skin’s natural healing process.

Rose Ointment is another Young Living product that is deeply nourishing and perfect for dry, irritated skin. Rose essential oil improves skin texture, while Tea Tree works to soothe rough, irritated skin. Animal Scents Ointment is another great option for this. The scent is a bit lighter, it is great for pets & humans, and you get a lot more for your money.

Focus & Concentration


There are many reasons a child may struggle with a lack of focus or concentration, some of which could include the following:

  • Separation anxiety

  • Fear of what others may think

  • Stress or trauma

  • Learning disorder

If your child has already been diagnosed with a special need, these issues can be even more difficult to address. Let’s talk about a few Young Living options that can help with concentration!

Brain Power seems to be the first go-to for many parents in helping their children with better focus and concentration. It contains powerful oils such as Sacred Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Melissa, Blue Cypress, Lavender, and Helichrysum, which are very high in sesquiterpenes. Google the benefits of sesquiterpenes… you can thank me later! Diffuse or apply topically to the back of neck, brainstem, temples, or under the nose as needed.

There are plenty of other oils and supplements you can use to support your child’s focus and concentration. Dilute and apply these oils below to the back of their neck, top of their head, and their big toes. Allow your child to inhale these oils from the bottle or out of the diffuser. Remember that consistency is key with the use of essential oils and supplements. For many people it takes 3-4 months to really see the difference.

  • Mindwise - an incredible supplement that gives the brain essential fatty acids to support normal brain function. (I love the individual packet option!)

  • MightyZyme - an all-natural, vegetarian supplement designed to help children combat the negative effects of enzyme depletion, which is a precursor to body dysfunction that could impede growth and brain development.

  • Vetiver - an essential oil with a distinct earthy and grounding scent, which can help your child stay calm during tense times.

  • Cedarwood - an essential oil high in sesquiterpenes, which makes your brain happy.

  • GeneYus - an essential oil blend with similar sesquiterpenes levels as Brain Power, which can help your child focus and concentrate on the task at hand! Plus it comes pre-diulted so it’s ready for use! Note: If your child has a nut allergy, you should NOT use this blend.

  • Clarity - an essential oil blend specifically designed to provide greater mental concentration and alertness.

  • Peppermint - an essential oil with an energizing aroma that boosts alertness. (Extra dilution suggested to decrease cooling sensation when applied topically.)

Here are a few other non-oily tips for increasing focus and concentration in children:

  • Prepare an environment free from distractions

  • Establish a schedule or a routine

  • Allow time for frequent breaks or a power nap

  • Break large tasks or goals up into smaller ones

  • Add more protein into their diet, which has the ability to raise concentration levels

Easing Outbursts


For some children, the lack of flexibility in their thinking can make a seemingly simple task of transitioning from one activity or place to another extremely challenging. There are several different strategies you can employ and oils you can use to help your kiddo stay calm and accept these transitions.

Transitioning Strategies

  1. Clearly define how long the task or activity will last using a timer or some other visual cue.

  2. Allow your child to see what is coming next by using pictures or creating a schedule.

  3. As much as possible, stay consistent in your daily routines and transitions.

  4. Plan ahead and don’t rush; this will only cause added stress for you and your child.

Suggested Oils

  • Surrender - helps one surrender control

  • Acceptance - opens the mind to accepting new things

  • Grounding - promotes feelings of stability and balance

  • Common Sense & Brain Power - help to support clear thinking

  • Ylang Ylang - boosts confidence and balances emotions

  • Northern Lights Black Spruce & Idaho Blue Spruce - promote feelings of confidence and calm

  • White Angelica - repels negative emotions and energies; known as the “tantrum tamer” oil

Please keep in mind, all children are different. You may need to try a few different oils to find the one that works best for your child. All of these oils can be diffused or applied topically. As we talked about previously, dilute as needed. Allow your child to choose an oil, ask them what scents they prefer, and how they feel after using it. Sometimes they know better than we do!

Muscle Love


If your child has limited mobility, I’m sure you are always looking for ways to love on those tired muscles and support healthy blood flow. Try these tips!

  1. Stay active. This may be difficult depending on how mobile your child is, but it’s important to keep muscles moving, even if done manually. PanAway is a great oil to apply after exercise of any kind since it contains Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove, and Peppermint essential oils. Grab a 10 ml roller bottle, add about 10 drops PanAway + 10 drops of Copaiba, top with a carrier oil and apply where needed.

  2. Use quality supplements. Thankfully, Young Living has provided us with supplements we can trust. Featuring bioavailable food-sourced vitamins and minerals that contain an infusion of pure, powerful essential oils, you’ll get the whole-body support you need. Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, like those found in OmegaGize, along with the nutrients and minerals found in BLM and Sulfurzyme can provide the building blocks needed for healthy muscles.

  3. Keep things moving. Blood carries oxygen and oxygen is vital to all parts of the body, including the muscles. The less mobile a person is, the more you need to focus on circulation. Massage is a great way to increase blood flow and incorporating oils like Cypress, Nutmeg, Juniper, and Idaho Grand Fir may be just the boost you need.

Living Above the Wellness Line


Staying well isn’t an easy task, especially if you are dealing with a compromised immune system or an overworked body. Many things can be taxing on our body systems - regular medication intake, environmental toxins, food and products filled with harsh chemicals or synthetic ingredients. We are constantly exposed to so much that is harmful to us! It’s important to stay PROactive with our health and do our best to support our bodies BEFORE they get bogged down. Creating a DAILY wellness routine composed of good quality oils and supplements can help us live and stay above the wellness line.

Try these member favorites!

  • Thieves*

  • Oregano*

  • Longevity*

  • Lemon*

  • Exodus II

  • ImmuPower

Any of these oils can be added to a roller bottle for convenient application. You can even get your child involved and allow them to apply to the bottoms of their feet every morning and every night. It’s a good idea to use a variety of oils to support your body’s needs, as they are constantly changing. Make up several different wellness rollers and rotate them out here and there.

Did you know a happy gut leads to a happy immune system and many other happy systems? A daily probiotic is necessary for emotional and physical wellness. If your child can swallow capsules you may consider Life9. It features 17 billion live cultures that represent nine different bacteria strains to support gut health and an overall healthy immune system. If you need something that can be taken a little more easily try MightyPro - a blend of prebiotics and probiotics! This supplement features over 8 billion active, live cultures to support digestive and immune health. Plus it’s in a super convenient packet that does not require refrigeration and tastes like a pixy stick candy. Your child will beg you to take them.

NingXia Red is also a great compliment to your daily wellness routine thanks to its primary ingredient - the Ningxia wolfberry. It’s packed with superfoods and tastes DELICIOUS! NingXia Red benefits include support for energy levels, normal cellular function, and whole-body and normal eye health. A daily shot of 2-4 ounces helps support overall wellness with powerful antioxidants. It’s also super easy to hide this in smoothies or popsicles! #momhack #momwi

*Also comes in a Vitality version, which has been labeled for ingestion.



“Restful slumber is crucial for helping kids grow and develop —recent studies have linked sleep to intellectual performance —yet statistics show 50% of children with ADHD also have sleep problems. And other studies have found children on the autism spectrum tend to have lower levels of melatonin, the naturally occurring hormone that helps regulate wakefulness and sleep cycles.” ~ Parents.com

So what can you do to help your child get the rest he/she needs? Here are some suggestions from other parents of children with special needs.

  1. Play soothing sounds like calming music or audiobooks.

  2. Create a cozy environment; consider using a weighted blanket.

  3. Support with supplements like melatonin or essential oils.

  4. Avoid sugary snacks before bed and eat dinner earlier.

  5. Stick to a schedule and keep a journal of their routines.

As you can see, there are many different strategies you could use. If you choose to go the natural remedies route, here are some supplements and essential oils you can try to encourage a restful night’s sleep.

  • ImmuPro - This supplement works double duty and is one of my favorites! Not only does support the body’s natural sleep patterns with naturally-occurring melatonin, but it also provides exceptional immune system support. BONUS: It’s chewable!

  • SleepEssence - This softgel capsule contains essential oils with sleep-enhancing properties along with melatonin to support a full night’s sleep. Adults only, so this one is more suited for older children.

  • Lemongrass - This oil soothes, relaxes, and helps promote better sleep. Diffuse at bedtime or apply topically.

  • Lavender & Cedarwood - This popular combo promotes calm and relaxation and can be used together or separately.

Some other oils to consider: Vetiver, Valerian, Rutavala, SleepyIze, Roman Chamomile, Peace & Calming, and Stress Away. Whatever you choose, do your best to be consistent with it and don’t be afraid to try different things until you find what works.

Parent & Caregiver Support


Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Sister, Aunt, Friend . . . you are doing the best you can! Your days are filled with challenges. You question whether you are doing what’s best. You have fears about the future. You wonder if you can make it through another day. YOU CAN! But you can’t do it alone. Find a support system, ask for help, and most importantly... take care of YOU.

Support Your Body

  • PanAway or Deep Relief Roll-On: These are strong oil blends that are perfect for muscles and joints.

  • Cool Azul Pain Cream: Backaches, strains and sprains, stiffness and soreness . . . just a little dab will do ya!

  • BLM: This supplement was designed to support healthy bones, ligaments, and muscles.

Support Your Mind

  • Stress Away: Melt away the tensions of the day with this beach-in-a-bottle blend.

  • Valor: This blend creates feelings of courage and confidence.

  • Forgiveness: This blend helps release hurt feelings and negative emotions.

  • Acceptance: This blend allows you to overcome feelings of denial and be open to accepting new things.

  • White Angelica: This blend dispels negativity and creates feelings of peace, calm, and security.

You can’t pour from an empty vase. Take the time to fill yourself up, so you can be the best version of yourself for everyone else.

Subscribe to Save & Loyalty Rewards


Ordering on the Subscribe to Save program will help you SAVE money, get free products, and qualifies you to participate in the Loyalty Rewards Program at the same time. #WinWin


Subscribe to Save (S2S) is a subscription program with LOTS of perks. You get to choose what comes inside your box AND how often it processes! Leave it as is or change it to get something new every order... up to you!

  • If you have at least one item on subscription, you will receive our 24% wholesale discount on all orders (subscription and shop)

  • Limited to ONE Subscribe to Save order per month

  • You can change the items you receive in your order each month.

  • To participate, you must have one item on S2S that processes at least once every three months (you may choose intervals of 1, 2, or 3 months)

  • No monthly PV requirement. If your month’s S2S order is 50+PV, you will earn 10% back in points that you can redeem for free oils & products.

  • You can still order additional items through a Shop order if needed.

  • Free shipping starting at 100pv order totals and exclusive free gifts beginning at 190pv (new gifts announced monthly)

  • Access to exclusive discounted subscription bundles like the NingXia Red & the Thieves bundles


  • Loyalty Rewards and gifts are available for consistent, consecutive monthly S2S orders of 50+PV

  • Earn Loyalty Rewards points on S2S orders of 50+PV towards future orders - the % back increases with time!

    • Months 1-3 ~ you earn 10% back in spendable points.

    • Months 4-24 ~ you earn 20% back in spendable points.

    • Months 25+ ~ you earn 25%. back in spendable points.

  • Earn Loyalty gifts at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months for the first year then once a year thereafter

Learn more about Subscribe to Save and Loyalty Rewards here.

Additional Notes

Thank You
  • Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

  • The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • Graphics and some of the content for this class are copyrighted and were purchased. If you wish to teach this class and use these specific graphics, you must also purchase them.