College Students and Essential Oils


What if you could enjoy fun student activities like staying up late studying and hanging with friends and still feel rested, focused, and chill enough to succeed in all the student must- dos like tests, projects, and more?

Living the ‘Student Life’ can be stressful, exhausting, messy, and overwhelming. But it can also be vibrant, organized, fulfilling, and rewarding if you have the knowledge and tools to properly care for your body and mind.

This class will be simple and to the point. We will focus on how to give your body all the support it needs to feel less stressed, more focused, healthier, and happier as you hit the books and prepare to step into success and enjoy life as a student. We will cover the products in the Premium Starter Kit (PSK) and how you can use them to get more sleep, feel more stress-free, and stay focused, motivated, and healthy.

Safety & Usage

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Let's start off by looking at the ways you can use Young Living essential oils and supplements.

  1. AROMATICALLY: Put 6-8 drops of an essential oil or a combo in your diffuser. The diffuser will send the oil into the air and fill the room with the scent and beneficial properties of the oils.

  2. TOPICALLY: Apply essential oils to your skin. Dilute your oils with a carrier oil if using topically, especially if you’ve never used them before. It is recommended that you use one drop of essential oil with 10-15 drops of coconut, olive, or almond oil and then apply it to your skin. Citrus oils like Lemon are photosensitive. Please avoid sun exposure for 12 hours after application to areas where you have applied citrus oils topically. Avoid putting essentials oils in the eyes or ears directly.

  3. INTERNALLY: Young Living oils are pure and are labeled as Generally Regarded as Safe by the Food and Drug Administration. Because of their purity, some people like to ingest their oils to avoid "smelling" like an oil, or to support their body from the inside out. Oils that are safe for ingestion carry our Vitality Oil label.

  4. SUPPLEMENTS: Follow the directions on each individual supplement package for proper safety and usage.   

Purity is EXTREMELY important when it comes to wellness products. When you use products that are pure, you will have more effective results. Products that are formulated with synthetic ingredients may not provide any results and can potentially cause damage to your body. Young Living goes above and beyond organic standards to provide natural products that work. YL farms on land without the use of pesticides, hand weeds their fields, and tests their essential oils multiple times in million-dollar labs to provide products with the purest and highest quality chemical constituents. If a batch doesn't meet these HIGH standards, YL will not bottle it up and send it to you.

Check out the Seed to Seal process HERE!

Catching ZZZZZ’S

“Ugh, I slept like crap last night!” or “I barely had time to sleep last night!” are common phrases from students.

We all know we function better when we have gotten a good night's rest. As a student, you face a lot of long nights and sometimes when you finally get to bed, it’s hard to fall asleep. Nights before tests, presentations, tryouts, and games can be the worst.

What if I told you that you could get away with a little less sleep than what you think you NEED but still feel entirely rested and refreshed to take on the world? Diffusing and applying essential oils regularly before bed can make a huge difference in your quality of sleep and you feeling rested.

Bedtime Favorites

  • Lavender

  • Stress Away

  • Peace and Calming

Diffuse or apply 2-3 drops to your feet and wrists before bed.

When you set up your Subscribe to Save and Loyalty Rewards, throw in Tranquil Roll-On & Cedarwood for sleep! They're awesome!

Motivation & Focus

Now that your body is well-rested, it’s time to focus! Diffuse Peppermint & Lemon together in the mornings for a get-up- and-go kind of energy, better focus, and an increased retention of information. This is your perfect study buddy.

PRO-TIP: Carry that scent with you all day long by applying a drop of Lemon and Peppermint to a diffuser bracelet and inhale during test taking for better recall. It works.

You can also add a drop of Citrus Fresh Vitality to your water for increased energy or diffuse Citrus Fresh for mental clarity. When you pick out your next Subscribe to Save order, throw in some KidScents GeneYus & Motivation too! (Hint: KidScents oils aren’t just for kids!)

Daily Jitters

Do you find yourself suffering from occasional anxiety before class or when you have a big test coming up? These oils and blends are amazing for calming that nervous tension to help you feel more relaxed and confident.

  • Peace and Calming - name says it all

  • Valor - creates feelings of courage and confidence

  • Stress Away - exactly what you think

  • Lavender - calming and relaxing

In one of your future Subscribe to Save orders, you have got to try Vetiver & Bergamot - both are insanely calming!

USAGE: Apply 1-3 drops to hands and inhale. Rub remaining oil on the back of your neck.

Diffuse an oil or combo of oils for quick relief.

"Oh my aching..."

Sore muscles and joints after a long study session? Sitting at a computer all day? Horrible head tension? Your essential oils can help you with all of these!

Apply a drop of Panaway & Peppermint to your neck and wrists or your feet for soothing comfort. Peppermint has an icy hot sensation when applied undiluted. If you do not like this feeling, make sure you dilute with a carrier oil.

Stretch your oils (and your $$$) even further by making a Soothing Muscle Rub.

Soothing Muscle Rub

  • Combine 6 drops of Panaway and Peppermint with ¼ cup of coconut oil.

  • Store in a glass container.

  • Use as needed, where needed.

For a more intense cooling sensation, add more Peppermint oil.

Bonus Tip: Put a drop of Peppermint Vitality on your tongue to cut the coffee breath. You’re welcome! ;)

More great options for a future Subscribe to Save order... Deep Relief Roll-On & Cool Azul Gel or Pain Cream!

Breathe Easy

Students don’t have time to miss school for any reason - lack of sleep, stress, or colds. Thankfully, there are oils that provide a comforting aroma and create a relaxing atmosphere when diffused so you can stay healthy.

Raven is a blend of Ravintsara, Peppermint, Eucalyptus Radiata, Lemon, and Wintergreen that creates a cooling sensation when applied topically. This will be your best bud in the spring and winter especially.

Not only is this oil great for every day relaxation and health, you can also apply this to your chest before workouts to increase performance, or use it to freshen up musty-smelling dorm rooms!

Try Breathe Again Roll-On & R.C. in your next Subscribe to Save order!

Freshman 15

Are you familiar with this term? This is an expression commonly used to refer to the amount of weight students typically gain in their first year of college.

There are many ways you can avoid this by simply getting enough sleep, using exercise instead of food as a stress reducer, and keeping healthy snacks on hand for late-night study sessions. I know that finding time and motivation to exercise or to pick the right food can be hard. Do me one favor, and use your oils regularly to support your sleep, stress levels, and digestive system for one month and see how you feel.

You can support your digestive system by using the Vitality line as well as Young Living supplements.

DiGize will be your go-to from the Premium Starter Kit for all things digestion. Pair it with Peppermint and you have the perfect combo for a happy tummy! Try the easy roller recipe.

‘FRESHMAN 15’ ROLLER (for 10ml roller bottle)

  • 6 drops Peppermint

  • 6 drops Digize

Top with your favorite carrier oil, like grapeseed, almond, avocado, or fractionated coconut oil.

If you get an upset stomach or feel the bloat for ANY reason (ex: greasy food, too many cocktails, or that time of the month) your 'Freshman 15' roller is going to be your NEW best friend. It works and works FAST!

If you don’t love the smell, you can take DiGize Vitality as a supplement. Add a few drops in a veggie capsule or to your NingXia Red drink and take ‘er down. You will thank me two minutes post consumption.

AND I'd HIGHLY suggest adding Life9 (probiotic) and NingXia Red to your Subscribe to Save orders. Taking a daily probiotic is so important for digestion, mood, and even your immune system!! Keep scrolling to hear more about NingXia Red!

NingXia Red

Infused with essential oils and wolfberries, this drink is basically a superhero juice! You get two packets in your Premium Starter Kit but you can always order more in your Essential Rewards box. Let’s see why it's so awesome!

Energy: Because sleeping in class is frowned upon, you’ll want this to help keep you alert and attentive without any harmful ingredients. Wanna kick it up a notch? Add En-R-Gee oil and NingXia Nitro to your next Essential Rewards box!

Immune Support: No one can afford to get sick before finals or important events. The antioxidants found in NingXia Red will strengthen your first line of defense - your immune system. Try adding a drop of Thieves Vitality to your daily NingXia Red for an even bigger boost!

Need a quick and easy immune support solution? Grab Inner Defense softgels in your next Subscribe to Save order!

Clean Spaces

Many students often underestimate the need for a fresh, clean space to come home to, study in, and relax in! There are a lot of cliche sayings about 'clean space, clean mind' and they may be truer than you think.

This one product is a must-have for college students: Thieves Household Cleaner. It is cost-effective and space-saving, and all you need for wiping down desks and binders as well as keeping your space smelling and looking fresh all year long.

Simply add one capful of Thieves Cleaner to a 16-20 ounce spray bottle and fill with water. Use this for cleaning #allthethings. You can even spray it around the room to freshen the air!

PRO TIPS: Thieves Spray and Thieves Hand Purifier are both the perfect size to keep in your backpack. You'll definitely want them during fall and winter to keep the nasties away! Grab some Thieves Foaming Hand Soap & Thieves Wipes in one of your Subscribe to Save order, too - they're super convenient and smell amazing!!

Subscribe to Save & Loyalty Rewards

Ordering on the Subscribe to Save program will help you SAVE money, get free products, and qualifies you to participate in the Loyalty Rewards Program at the same time. #WinWin

Subscribe to Save

Subscribe to Save (S2S) is a subscription program with LOTS of perks. You get to choose what comes inside your box AND how often it processes! Leave it as is or change it to get something new every order... up to you!

  • If you have at least one item on subscription, you will receive our 24% wholesale discount on all orders (subscription and shop)

  • Limited to ONE Subscribe to Save order per month

  • You can change the items you receive in your order each month.

  • To participate, you must have one item on S2S that processes at least once every three months (you may choose intervals of 1, 2, or 3 months)

  • No monthly PV requirement. If your month’s S2S order is 50+PV, you will earn 10% back in points that you can redeem for free oils & products.

  • You can still order additional items through a Shop order if needed.

  • Free shipping starting at 100pv order totals and exclusive free gifts beginning at 190pv (new gifts announced monthly)

  • Access to exclusive discounted subscription bundles like the NingXia Red & the Thieves bundles

Loyalty Rewards

  • Loyalty Rewards and gifts are available for consistent, consecutive monthly S2S orders of 50+PV

  • Earn Loyalty Rewards points on S2S orders of 50+PV towards future orders - the % back increases with time!

    • Months 1-3 ~ you earn 10% back in spendable points.

    • Months 4-24 ~ you earn 20% back in spendable points.

    • Months 25+ ~ you earn 25%. back in spendable points.

  • Earn Loyalty gifts at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months for the first year then once a year thereafter

Learn more about Subscribe to Save and Loyalty Rewards here.

Additional Notes

  • Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

  • The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • Graphics and some of the content for this class are copyrighted and were purchased. If you wish to teach this class and use these specific graphics, you must also purchase them.