December 2023 Gifts with Purchase


Young Living has selected the perfect gifts with qualifying purchase to help us create healthy boundaries, discover truth, release emotions that no longer serve us, and to create beautiful communities. The promotional essential oils for December clear low frequencies and tidy up, making space for the emotions and vitality of living well. I wish you and your family all the magic and abundance of this season.


Young Living’s monthly gift with purchase allows you to earn rewards just for shopping your favorite essential oils and oil-infused products. Purchase YL products with a point value (PV)—these products help you qualify for this month’s gifts. The more you shop, the more you earn!

GWP Tiers


It’s easy: You purchase products and Young Living sends you free ones! Each month you’ll have new oils, swag, and/or other essential oil goodies to choose from, starting with free shipping at the 100 PV tier. Every time you increase your PV (up to 300 PV) and qualify for a new tier, they’ll send you free gifts.

Loyalty Reward Gifts


Place a 50 PV+ order each month with our Loyalty Rewards program. On each purchase, you’ll earn reward points that you can redeem for future products. Loyalty Rewards members also receive a free loyalty gift as a thank you each time they reach a benchmark anniversary of enrollment at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. To learn more about Loyalty Rewards, click here.


100PV Loyalty Rewards Exclusive

Cedarwood has a way of bringing people together, dissolving disconnection and isolation, and reminding us of our common roots. Cedarwood inspires the feeling of belonging and assists the heart in opening to receive support.

Feeling like you have to do it all, that you’re the last warrior on the battlefield? Try diffusing Cedarwood in a quiet space. Allow yourself to remove your armor and collapse into a comfortable chair. Slowly inhale and exhale, realizing how your body and mind are still on high alert. With each exhaling breath, consciously choose another muscle to relax. Fingers, shoulders, jaw…just keep breathing! As you do this, gently speak to your subconscious: “I am part of a community in which I am highly valued, and I in turn value all.” Let your subconscious open like a flower to this truth. If you do not believe this to be true, speak change to yourself as if it is already done: “I am happy and grateful now that I have found a community in which I am deeply valued. I am part of something important and sustainable.”

Being self-reliant is important, of course, but it is a lonely life if this self-reliance is at the expense of a supportive, loving community. You can do this!

Cedarwood is also a treasure for vibrant hair and blissful slumber. Do you find yourself missing the fullness and vibrancy of the hair you had in your 20's? After washing your hair, give your scalp a welcomed massage using a few drops of Cedarwood and Lavender. When the lights go out and your head hits the pillow, it can be a challenge to not feel alone with your worries. Try a few drops of Cedarwood on the bottom of your feet to help remind you of community support.

Here is a Clearing Room Spritzes to try. In a 3.4 oz spray bottle add:

  • Essential Oils - 5 drops Palo Santo, 5 drops Lavender, 3 drops Cedarwood, 2 drops Patchouli, and 1 drop Cistus

  • 3 oz filtered water

  • Top off with neutral spirits (such as witch hazel or grain vodka) to help the essential oils and water mix

  • Shake well before spraying



190PV Loyalty Rewards Exclusive

Thieves drives our house keeping and immune strength; but how about using it for some emotional tidying up?! I’ll tell you why: the oils in Thieves combine to sweep out what isn’t serving us and fortify our boundaries, protecting us as we choose our own highest life path. Let’s go through them:

Cinnamon: the oil of security. Cinnamon addresses the fear of being judged for physical appearance and helps us stand tall, no longer worried about vulnerability, and letting one’s truth emerge.

Clove: the oil of boundaries. Clove essential oil helps us let go of victim mentality, self-betrayal, co-dependency, and the misguided perception that outside circumstances control our lives. Clove supports us in standing up and CHOOSING our lives. It reignites soul fire.

Eucalyptus: the oil of wellness. Eucalyptus addresses emotions of despair, the desire to escape life’s responsibilities, and feeling trapped in patterns.

Lemon: the oil of focus. Lemon inspires joyful involvement in the present moment by infusing the soul with energy, confidence, and alertness. Lemon is a wonderful reminder to LIVE IN THE NOW.

Rosemary: the oil of knowledge and transition. In times of transition where we don’t feel like we have a sure footing, Rosemary gives us roots and reminds us of what we know for sure.

Ways to Use:

• diffuse to maintain strong emotional and physical boundaries – our defense against invaders!

• apply to bottom of feet daily

• apply to a sliver to help naturally pull the object to the surface for easy removal

• add a few drops to a shot glass of water to ease a mild sore or itchy throat

Choose You Room Spritz: In a 3.4 oz spray bottle add 25 drops of Thieves, 3 oz filtered water, and top off with neutral spirits (such as witch hazel or grain vodka) to mix the essential oils and water. Shake well before spraying



190PV Gift with Purchase

This blend of Thyme, Orange, Clove, and Frankincense supports our physicality in myriad ways. Longevity is like an army of cellular soldiers marching through, cleaning up, improving energy levels, reducing puffiness, kicking out toxins…making you feel refreshed, sleek and beautiful.

On an emotional level, it helps release the toxic residual buildup created by decades of resentment, opening the spirit to receive LOVE – the greatest key to a long and happy life.

How to Use:

• put 8 to 10 drops in a capsule, and take once daily



250 PV Gift with Purchase

The oil of “enoughness,” Copaiba helps us face feelings hiding in the shadows of “I’m not enough.” You are, indeed, EVERYTHING. Your DNA is perfection. Your timing is perfection. Your purpose is perfection. Breathe in the self worth.

For both emotions and physicality, think of Copaiba as bringing innate worth to the surface.

How to Use:

  • apply topically over your shoulders for emotional support

  • add to your facial serum, moisturizer, shampoo, and conditioner to promote healthy-looking skin and hair

  • apply topically over sinuses when you have unwanted pressure.

    Parfume Hint

Copaiba has a uniquely sweet aromatic profile, which won’t overpower delicate florals or subtle citrus. Use it in your own crafted parfumes in place of stronger woodsy oils. It pairs well with any floral or citrus oil, Cedarwood, Peppermint, and Eucalyptus.

The benefits of Copaiba are astounding, especially when you’re needing extra emotional or physical support. Try this Epsom Salt Bath or Foot Soak:

  •  Put unscented epsom salts into a jar; then add 3 to 5 drops of Copaiba, PanAway, and Peppermint

  • Sprinkle ¼  Cup into foot basin, or 1 Cup into drawn bath

  • Relax, sip chilled water with Frankincense and Orange Essential Oils, and let the Copaiba go to work!



300 PV Gift with Purchase

The oil of truth, Frankincense reveals deceptions we hold within ourselves – falsehoods of unworthiness, powerlessness, and lack of divine protection. Frankincense pulls away these scales of darkness, letting in the Light to illuminate the grandeur of the True Self. Every home needs a bottle of this holy oil – sacred gift to the Christ child, revered for its power of truth and spiritual renewal.

Frankincense can help you move through so may emotions: worry, anxiety, doubt, feeling “less than,” and overwhelm, just to name a few. This is also an incredible oil for your brain. Frankincense activates the part of your brain that does logical thinking vs emotional thinking.

How to use:

  • inhale during yoga, meditation or prayer to encourage deep cleansing breaths, and a connection with our one True source, or with one's own self

  • use on your face with a few drops of water, along with Patchouli and Helichrysum

  • massage onto the bottoms of your feet and visualize yourself aligned and well

  • apply to chest and upper back when breathing feels restricted or air is dry and causing irritation

  • inhale deeply and apply to back of neck for a boost of mental clarity and focus


Month Gifts with Purchase Video

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