Enlightened Oilers

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Ways To Share

There are lots of ways to share!  Remember, each way you share, keeping your focus on building relationships and getting to know others so you can meet THEIR needs is essential to a successful outcome.  Here are just a few ideas:

Share an image from real life, NOT a sales graphic!  People scroll right past posts with sales graphics; it’s a complete turn off!  Be sure to tell your own personal story when you share any images (you know, because we don't sell; we share our experiences).

Share your story/experience using oils with a photo you have personally taken.  The oil/product does not need to be front and center in the picture (or even in the picture) at all.   The picture could depict the before and/or after of using the oil/product.

Check out this simple, quick post I did on Facebook just after a great win with Dream Catcher. This post was only one month after I got my Premium Starter Kit.  I was excited and still absolutely amazed at how these bottles of oils worked. Notice how I had purchased Dream Catcher because of a post I had seen Jodie share about her experience with this oil.  I had zero intention of building a business with Young Living. I had actually told Jodie I wanted nothing to do with it before I bought a PSK from her. This post changed everything completely unintentionally.  After I shared this experience with my son, Ryan, I got a whole bunch of messages from other moms asking to get some. Because I shared this post, ten other moms I was friends with got started with their PSK. That was not my intention.   I was simply sharing my excitement and win. This opened the door for these other women to find solutions they were seeking to problems they were currently experiencing. This is authentic sharing. THIS is what people connect to.

Host a mini-101 class via Facebook or Instagram.  You can also do themed classes based on something you feel good about sharing or teaching.  Do not send out mass invitations; this is usually received very poorly. Be sure to PERSONALLY invite people and tell them why you thought of them.  

Host an in-person class or make-and-take.  This doesn't have to be a huge event.  You could sit down with one, two, or three people and chat oils over lunch.  If you enjoy big events, all the power to you. Just please know that it doesn't have to be that way.  It can be whatever you want it to be. Many people build their business primarily by teaching classes and sharing personal experiences on Facebook.  Others have built theirs almost entirely sharing their experiences on Facebook and through one-on-one conversations and meetings with people. There's not one right way... there's just YOUR way!

Start a blog about lifeNOT a blog about oils, but about mom-life, marriage, yoga or fitness, your hobbies, cooking, DIY things, or whatever you are passionate about.  Give your target audience something they want, and they will keep coming back for. You can sprinkle oils in there when and where they naturally fit. Show that it’s part of your lifestyle.

Tell your family and close friends.  Share with them because they will see the changes in you and your family.  They will wonder what is behind those changes. This doesn't have to feel salesy at all.  Just share with them the way you would if you found an amazing restaurant you wanted them to try.  You already have rapport and trust with them. If they're not interested or not ready, they'll tell you.  It doesn't need to be weird. Also, be sure to follow up with anyone who has expressed interest before (in oils specifically or generally in natural wellness).  We don’t need to convince anyone. We simply share and support others and allow them to come along when they are ready.

Give out samples.  Carry samples of the Premium Starter Kit oils with you at all times.  When you engage in real conversation and a need for oils arises, you will be prepared to give them a small sample (10 drops in a small dram) of an oil that can help them. You don’t have to fill them all ahead of time.  You can simply carry empty drams and drop the oil in the dram as you chat about how it can help them and how to use it. Follow up with the person in a few days to see how it worked for them.

These are just a few ways to share.  I’m sure there are like a million other ways you can connect with others and share. Do what feels good to you.  Do what creates real relationships and shows others you care about them.