Enlightened Oilers

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Adrenal Support Cocktail

Adrenal Cocktail

  • 1/2 cup Ningxia Red -or- freshly squeezed organic orange juice

  • 1/2 cup coconut water

  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 

Drink up to support adrenals and replenish electrolytes which are the minerals that support your body’s energy. 

What are adrenals + why should you care about them? 

Your adrenals are tiny walnut-sized glands that sit on top of your kidneys on your low back. They produce adrenaline and cortisol, as well as hormones that regulate the production of the sex hormones: estrogen and testosterone. Adrenal glands are extremely important for your immune function and they also help the thyroid to function properly.   Your endocrine system is like a giant orchestra… and every member of the orchestra impacts the others… so while the adrenals are tiny in size, they are very important!Your adrenals are how your body responds to every kind of stressor: physical, emotional, or psychological.


  • losing your keys

  • forgetting your shopping list

  • running late

  • having 3 kids yelling at you all at once

Examples of BIG PHYSICAL stresses:

  • Chronic illness

  • Surgery

  • Intense workouts/fitness training

  • Childbirth (Note: childbirth requires a significant amount of adrenaline!)

Examples of big EMOTIONAL stresses:

  • Death

  • Divorce

  • Marriage

  • Financial issues

  • Emotional Abuse

  • Bullying

  • Pandemics

With all of these stress situations, your adrenals have to respond by releasing adrenaline... and if they get worn out from being on high alert all the time, they can get damaged.  

When your adrenal glands become overextended, they have the equivalent of a nervous breakdown and can behave erratically.  Exhausted adrenals can produce too much or too little hormone… leading to overactive OR underactive adrenals.  

Sometimes people who have adrenal fatigue can even feel a bit bipolar - with extreme ups and downs.

Take a minute to think about how much you're asking your adrenals to do for you?!  How many stressors do you experience during a typical day?  Do you have chronic stressors that have been around for a while?