Enlightened Oilers

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When Is The Right Time?

The Right Time to Begin Sharing

Now that we have gone over what personal branding is, let’s get into building YOUR brand.  Seeing as how so many people are on Social Media today, there are a few things that we can do to set ourselves apart: Be Fresh, Be Vulnerable and Be Honest.


Being fresh out of the gate with our oils, we have this excitement that is contagious!  We are filled with this HUGE desire to share what it is that we love so much and just want to help (and oil) everyone and anyone we can!  It is awesome to have a very natural and fresh approach to sharing with fresh ideas and a fresh audience. A fresh perspective is something children exemplify; children play and explore with the wonder that comes from not having a care in the world. We can demonstrate this when we just share because it's all we know how to do without the “business” creeping in. Our friends, family, and followers will FEEL this from us.   They will feel the excitement and be inspired to follow along and perhaps even to make the move and join us on this journey. 

It can be a big step for people to come into the oil world and begin their experience.  It can take people months, a year, or even several years to take the leap. Maybe they just felt overwhelmed at first.  Maybe they just need to come to a point in their life where they are open and willing to dive in. No matter what, it’s always about them.  They’ll come when they’re ready. Dragging them along will not be successful for either of you. When its fresh for them, they’ll be excited and jump in. 

Here’s an example of what a "fresh" social media post might look for someone just getting started with essential oils: 

“It finally happened, I decided to give into the “hype” over this essential oil craze that seems to be growing and see what the deal is.  Will they support us for a healthy school year? Will they really remove toxins from our home? Will we really have sleep filled nights? I certainly hope that it’s for real!  I will let you know how it goes!” Post this with a photo of your brand new kit, a selfie with the kit, or any picture that captures you in a way that is authentic to your personal brand. 

Notice how it makes you feel as you read that post. Do you think, “They totally get me! They understand why I waited or why I haven't jumped on the train!?"  I’d stick around to see how their experiences play out, wouldn't you?

If you are one of the ones reading this thinking “I’ve already done this PLENTY of times. People KNOW I use oils.” Sweet!  It’s your turn to find something NEW! Woo Hoo!! Fresh isn’t just for beginners, it’s for anytime we want to begin again, try something new, or incorporate something into your routine.  

You only stop growing when you stop learning. In this case, you only stop being fresh when you stop finding NEW things to try!  On your next Essential Rewards order, try get a FRESH product! Or maybe pick up a book that teaches about the frequency of essential oils or a new reference guide that makes information about the oils fresh to you.  Always learning new things is essential to growth!


​This can be an uncomfortable word for some, intimidating to others, exciting to a few.  Regardless of how it makes you feel, it is HUGE! I highly recommend that you take 20 minutes to watch the TED Talk from Brene Brown.  

See this content in the original post

In the video Brown says, “In order for connection, we have to allow ourselves to be seen.”  When you think about those who have inspired you, people who you look to for support and guidance, do you do it because they post cute puppy pictures all the time and tell stories about running through the park with fairy wings on?  Maybe, if that’s your sort of thing. However, for 99.9% of us, that’s not the case. You look to them for guidance because they share their struggles, their hard times, their dirty kitchens, their messy home, and their VULNERABILITY.  Why? Because you can connect with this more so than with a perfect picture. It lets people know it’s completely OK to be imperfect because perfection does not exist.  

Now back to YOU!  You have the opportunity to bring in the freshness of your new oil experience by showing your vulnerability with all of it.  With the “unknown” of how they will work (even though we know they are solid gold). Even if we’ve been sharing for months already, bring in vulnerability.  It’s safe, it is okay, and it is what creates an everlasting connection to those around you.

If you’re wondering how to even begin, a selfie in a messy house with Stress Away for emotional support is a good one!  Or even sharing how you use essential oils on a deeper emotional, spiritual, immune level is good, too. Share the heck out of how SUPPORTIVE the oils and supplements and products are!


“I’ve been working on giving my hormones a break.  For my sake and the sake of everyone else in the houses, I’m giving Dragon Time a try.  I’ll let you know how it goes!”

“I’ve been working out a little extra lately and my muscles aren’t very happy with me.  I'm going to try a combo of Copaiba and Panaway to see how it works!”

“Man, I have been struggling on keeping myself away from the candy stash lately, so I’m adding peppermint to my water because I heard it can curb my appetite.  I’ve gone to the stash 12 times today. My goal is to cut that back to only 4. Wish me luck! I’ll keep you posted! #healthywater #healthgoals #savethecandy #savemybelly"

Through your vulnerability, you invite others to join your health journey.  We all want to follow or be guided by someone who shows us their true self. It’s safe, offers us comfort, and makes us feel like we belong.


Now that you’ve incorporated fresh ideas and shown your vulnerability, it’s time to get honest.  People will know that you were honest from the get-go if you share that something didn’t “gasp” WORK!  Yep. Honest.


“I used Stress Away yesterday when my kids were super hyper after a birthday party, but it didn’t do its normal “thang”.  I was feeling a bit down and then I remembered my Surrender! I’m so glad I did, because it did its thang times 10. So super grateful that I have options.”

“After an intense practice yesterday, I grabbed my go to - Copaiba and Panaway - and applied. It wasn't strong enough for me. Then I remembered peppermint, layered it on top, and boo-yah…RELIEF!”

“Thank you, baby Jesus!  I only had two pieces of candy today.  Peppermint oil tastes great and I didn’t have any of the cravings that usually rule over me.”

Can you see how being honest (positive honesty) makes it more inviting for people to want to follow us?  People’s BS detectors don’t activate, their sales radar isn’t alarming, and they realize they are just tuning into the stories of your life.

When Is the Right Time?

It’s now! With your pockets loaded with FRESH, VULNERABLE HONESTY, go be YOU!  Sharing now, stepping out of your comfort zone. It will benefit you in the long run.  If I didn’t think so, I would not ask it of you. You are always given what you are meant to handle at the right time, and the time is now.

The longer you wait, the longer someone may have to wait to bring in the abundance of health that these oils offer others.  Lives will be changed, all for the better! Think of how happy you are that you got your oils when you did. They will feel the same!

Reflect and Process What You Learned:


  • What is something new you can bring to the table (or your social media feed) right now?


  • Share your thoughts on the Brene Brown video.  

  • What are one or two things that are sticking with you?

  • Why is vulnerability so valuable?

  • Share ONE way you are going to be vulnerable with your friends or your team.


  • This one is refreshing as it takes out the “sales pitch.”  It's okay to not be immediately in love with everything you try. The way you present it matters. It's good to share something that didn't quite work out as you had hoped, especially if it's funny. If you have something that just didn't appeal to you or that made you wrinkle your nose and turn away, open up your honesty and share it.  Try out one of these honesty posts for yourself.