Enlightened Oilers

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What Excites You

Have you ever noticed that when you do something that excites you, that it doesn’t even feel like work?  Have you found yourself so caught up in something that you look up and realize that it’s hours later, yet it didn’t even feel like an hour had passed?  If your answer is yes, then you have found something that excites you. Run with it! 

How amazing would it be to live, breathe, and dream what excites you every single day? Sounds pretty awesome doesn’t it?! Well, you can!  By taking part in the "Dream. Grow. Inspire." mentorship, you are taking the steps that you need to grow and build! Through this process, we want you to get even more excited about your oils and your passions.  But what about the days where it’s not exciting? We ALL have days like this. What are you going to do when you don’t want to do anything, or you feel stuck?

I love this business!  It fills my soul to serve others, to see everyone flourish, grow, and live healthy. There will be days where what typically excites you doesn’t seem so exciting. It’s totally worth working through whatever hurdle you face!  Why? I’m betting it fills your soul to experience what these oils and this business brings others.

When you think about what this business brings - the relationships, friendships, education, abundance, health, wellness, and sooooooo much more - you stand to lose so much if you just quit!  I’m sure there have been times when you have totally questioned if you are crazy or not; I know I have. It turns out, you are a bit crazy, and in a really good way! So, how do you get through the days when you're down and questioning whether or not you want to do it?

You push through.  5-4-3-2-1-GO!

You return to what excites you, what you love.  You return to a passion of yours - maybe it’s crafting, maybe it’s writing, running, hiking, drawing, teaching, learning, cooking, yoga.  Whatever speaks to your heart, to keep you in the present moment and away from the worries (that’s not to say we don’t ever worry, we are human and totally do from time to time).  Come back to what fills your heart and brings excitement back into your day.

What do you love?

  • Leading classes?

  • Painting?

  • Setting goals?

  • Teaching people?

  • Creating systems?​

  • Helping others?​

  • Organizing?

  • ​____________?

When you lose your moment, or day, of loving what you are doing, go to something that makes you happy with this business.  If there is one thing that I have learned through my journey in this business, it’s that doing just one thing a day to move your business forward keeps it going and keeps it exciting!  And guess what, organizing your work space, keeps your business moving because it allows you to find your lost papers! If you are the kind of person (calling all greens) who works best with order, this could completely change your day.  Just don't spend ALL of your days organizing and not doing - don't fall into your troublesome shade of green. If you are someone who really thrives on classes, pick up the phone and call people in your organization to lead one for them, or plan your own.  Maybe even a trip to the post office to mail off some happy mail will bring back your excitement. Keep a journal of all the oil wins people share with you (or save the posts to an electronic file) and re-read them when you're feeling down so you can remember the joy and bring back those feelings that warm you up inside. Knowing that you are walking forward in the marathon that is this business can help you to feel good about the small things.  They matter!

What else matters? 

Choosing to be satisfied, plain and simple.  Be satisfied in a long day without anything in return.  Be satisfied in short days with huge returns. Be satisfied in your journey of where you are and know that no amount of money will fulfill what your soul desires.  You must be satisfied in helping others without expecting anything in return. Feel complete regardless of what you do or don’t have. Why? Because there will be times when your checks are small for working really, really hard, and there will be times when your checks are really, really large for not working very much.  It’s about finding a way to be satisfied that isn’t tied to money, to outcomes, or to expectations. What satisfies your mind, body and spirit? May you recognize what this is and hold it dear. Your faith can carry you farther than you know. It is only when you choose to be satisfied by your journey and not the destination that it will all tie in.  And, do you know what else you can take satisfaction in? Your mistakes, your mishaps, the should haves and the could haves, because those teach you how NOT to be! Lessons learned are worth it, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time.

Be satisfied, be filled with joy, and live with a passion untouched for what excites you. It will spread to those around you like wildfire!

Now that your wildfire is growing, you can find a way to spread it beyond your close-knit circle of friends and family.  Let it burn its way into new frontiers for all that excites you. Take it to a whole new level now that you know to live and work with your excitement.  Here are a few ideas:

Love cooking, DIY projects, or teaching others how to improve their quality of life with recipes?  Start a blog or vlog with all of your amazing ideas! Once you have a foundation, weave in how the oils add to the quality of your life and your food/recipes and of course the base for your DIY recipes!  

Do you have a green thumb?  Share how your LLP blend keeps your histamines happy while in the midst of blooming flowers and fresh cut grass, take your oils into your garden and snap some cool photos.  Find a group to be a part of on Facebook, start your own gardening group, or heck, start a blog on this too!

Are you in the midst of getting your degree?  Maybe even part of a study group or support group?  Bring your oils and diffuse Peppermint or Cedarwood to help everyone support the retention of information better.  Slather them in Stress Away as they prepare for their big final and offer the Lavender for the nights before an exam to calm their nerves. Maybe even some PanAway for the tired and sore backs that need some love after late nights and early mornings hunched over books and keyboards studying and writing papers.   

What about the foundation you learned in Building Your Brand about growing a strong social media presence with your 10 brand words?  As you start to share in your natural way, you build a following and start to capitalize on it.  Here's a few tricks. Be active in the community that is authentic to you and you want to be a part of, comment on other people's posts in the community pages.  Show them love. Show them appreciation for commenting and giving you love on your page as well. Build a mutual respect relationship; it will go a long way! ​

Step outside of your comfort zone but know you can do so wrapped in the excitement of what you love!  Go forth filled with a passion for your oils knowing that there are more people you are here to serve who you just haven't met yet.  Open the energy gateway to invite them in, spread your wildfire, and watch it light up the lives of those around you and beyond!

Reflect and Process What You Learned:

  • What hobbies, interests, or passions that are NOT oil-related are you going to start integrating more?

  • How can you pair your hobbies & interests with your business?

  • Who can you reach by integrating what you love with your business?

  • What are you going to do for the sake of growth that might be outside of your comfort zone?