Enlightened Oilers

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Committing To Growth

You have the ability to choose your path in life.  You can choose to stay still, as life fervently passes you by, or you can forge your path with the determination and energy of your growth.

At times we all may find ourselves in moments of despair, moments that leave us wondering where we are headed.  Am I doing what I am meant to do? One thing is for sure, sitting around waiting for something to change does not work. You must go out there and commit yourself to growing, whether that be in your personal life, your love life, or your business life.

If you take a moment to break down the walls you build around yourself and tend to your growth, you will find that the universe has a way of presenting you with the tools you need to make yourself stronger.

We have so many tools available to us today like Ted talks, Podcasts, and books. There are so many great teachers available to help us with personal growth, like John C. Maxwell, John Assaraf, Tony Robbins, and Mel Robbins to name a few.  

John C Maxwell has a plethora of books and amazing quotes that can be found with a simple google search.

Tony Robbins TED Talk:

Check out this video of Tony Robbins from his 2006 TED talk - "Why We Do What We Do"

In the end it all comes down to perspective and how you choose to see it. Let’s take a look at a few ways you can commit to growing and becoming the person you know you are meant to be.

Making a Plan

Making a plan is a great first step. Without a plan, how can you possibly know where you are going?  The plan can be as simple as saying, "I will achieve the rank of rank Silver in 12 months."

To add a little more detail to your plan, ask, "How am I going to get there?"   Possible answers may include:

  • I am committing to enrolling 4 people each month.

  • I am committed to holding two classes each month.

This is a good place to start.  Write it all down and read it often.  This reaffirms your intention to growth, and the more you repeat it, the more you begin to fully live it. 

Be sure your plan is flexible to allow for improvements.  Don't be so rigid in your plan that you either spend all of your time creating your plan without acting on it, or you get so tunnel-visioned in your plan that you miss amazing opportunities that arise along the way.  One thing I always add when I set intentions, goals, plans, desires is..."this or something better." You see, sometimes our imaginations aren't as big as the blessings coming our way and it's important to remain open to receiving incredible blessings, even the ones you haven't thought of yourself.

Facing Your Fears

Once you have a plan, oftentimes fear creeps in to bring you to a screeching halt.  Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of finances, fear of lacking knowledge, and on and on and on...​

For the sake of growth you must be willing to acknowledge your fears and break through them.  I know this sounds easier than it feels. Your perspective shapes the way you handle fear. In most cases, people perpetuate the negative dialogue in their minds while feeding their ego (fear-based mindset) to keep them in the same familiar patterns in life.  Familiarity is often makes you feel safe. However, this is only good if you want to remain right where you are doing the same thing day in and day out while sitting around yearning for your dreams to come true. Stop overthinking!!!!

Changing your perspective and really reaching for your dreams is what breaking down fear is made of.  Moving past your fears is an amazing high. Try it once, and you will see. Moving your internal dialogue from the negative safety net to the free-floating wave of positivity greatly enhances your drive to grow.

For example, instead of fearing failure, understand that it can and will happen. When it does, remember it and use it as knowledge and fuel to be better in the next attempt.

Fear of success...

​Recognize that we already are successful; we woke up today.   DING! Success!

Fear of Finances...

​Instead of fleeing fear, reassess and give it a new meaning.   Remind yourself that there are abundant opportunities all around you and begin to draw in the wealth you desire.

It takes investment to grow; it just takes the discipline to understand what you are investing in.  Before spending money, ask why you are spending it and what it will return for you. Is it really an investment in your growth?  Taking our fears and embracing them for what they are, then releasing them is key.  

If you just ignore the fears without taking the time to see what is behind them or question the what will actually happen if I ______, they will simply fester and grow, further paralyzing you.

Commit to Changing Something Daily

Now that you are open to embracing and releasing your fears, you need to examine the routines that are holding you back from growing. The more you position yourself in routines that are positive in nature, the more you will discover your true potential and begin down the path to great growth.

A few small changes in your daily routine can make a huge difference.  Here are just a few others rave about:

  • Wake up 15 minutes earlier.  A small feat, but a big gain because a lot can be accomplished in just 15 minutes.

  • Move forward with more gratitude - Smile at someone rather than simply looking away.

  • Meditate - Many top performers in various industries meditate. It is a great way to quiet the mind to focus your intention on growth.

  • Exercise - A healthy body = A healthy mind. This could be just going for a walk, yoga, or a bike ride. Something to get the blood flowing!

  • Read more - Reading is like exercise for your mind!

 What are some things you are committing to change?

Motivation Versus Just Doing It

Here, we will leave the details to the amazing Mel Robbins. Motivation is great, when we actually apply it. Acting on that motivation, and just doing it are truly paramount to reaching our goals.

Check out Mel Robbins' video on the 5 second rule, and her 5 Second Rule articles on her website under the blog section (a direct link to the article does not work).

How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over:

Make Mistakes

Yes, I said it.  Make Mistakes! Don't intentionally aim towards making mistakes, but don't let them get you down when you do make them. Nobody is perfect, so there is no sense in stressing yourself out to be perfect.

The true test to your commitment to growth is how you move past mistakes. First, understand that mistakes are not the absolute end. No matter how large the mistake seems to be, having the resolve to move past it is testament to your fortitude.

You need to take your mistakes, much like your fears, and turn them into positive life lessons.  Really, mistakes can be great educators. Are you willing to learn from them is the question?

We have faith in you!  

Committing to growth is essential to becoming the amazing being you are meant to be. All you need is a little faith in yourself.

Take one moment, and think to yourself - 

"Right now, I am committed to my growth!" 

Not tomorrow, not in 1 hour, DO IT NOW. 

Yes, NOW! 

5-4-3-2-1 GO!

 Reflect and Process What You Learned:

  • What is your biggest take away from Lesson 14?

  • What steps are you going to take to start growing, and becoming the amazing person you know you are?

  • Who else benefits when you step into your greatness?

  • What are three things you are going to change starting right now using the Five Second Rule?